Lead yourself and your company through the next Stage of Growth

I Coach, Mentor and Facilitate Business Owners and Managers through the next stage of growth by helping them clarify and state their Vision, develop appropriate Goals and Missions.

and  by helping them to build a floor (processes) under each stage of growth

as they learn to better understand the important elements of their business.

We determine an appropriate level of strategic and tactical focus, consistent communications, the appropriate proactive key performance indicators.

 This Process helps develop very effective management skills and techniques.

You and your organization are constantly going thru stages of growth and transitions. 

Each transition is another opportunity to grow.  

The wrong way to do this:

For most organizations the annual operating year is a transition, but it is only a set of time limits to cause the organization to pause, plan and then to ignore the growth opportunity as they primarily manage the tactical process.  They may write a strategy plan which is then put on the shelf until next year when they do it again.

During this year strategic needs become clear but well pass the optimal time to execute optimal strategy and sometime at a significant loss of opportunity. 

The right way to do it:

There is a process for each transition. 

This process requires experience and constant management. 

It is difficult for anyone to anticipate upcoming opportunities, but a proper evaluation of current assumptions and a critical review of potential constraints looking 3 to 5 years out can be very helpful.

This takes team time but should have a significant payback. 

(Most teams do this in the annual planning process, but do not routinely stay focused on an ongoing basis.) 

That is my job with my clients and a part of my facilitation, coaching and mentoring.  Your organization is always in this process.  I Can help. 

Let’s get together to discuss how I can help in to maximize the process.​


Life is full of transitions and stages of growth – Out of the greatest transition comes the greatest growth.  


Are you the Owner and when you look over your shoulder for help no one is back there to help?

Are you one of the managers that can see where the company needs to go but the owner and others can’t see that vision.

Is your organization growing and it seems that it lacks the processes and people to move forward?  You see what needs to happen but no one else seems to understand.  They just wait for you or someone else to tell them what to do?  You might be going through another stage of growth and need facilitation to get to the next stage.

People transitions and organizational stages of growth are very clear processes that need to be managed and facilitated to be successfully completed.


My purpose in life is:

helping others find their purpose in life and coach, mentor and facilitate their transitions and stages of growth.  

I am a facilitator, mentor and coach with 35 years’ experience working with companies in all 5 stages of growth.

 I work with company owners and managers and key employees as they grow their business. 

I lead the team to prepare a strategic plan and present and implement that plan.  We present the plan to others such as banks and bonding company so they can understand the risk and how the company will manage that risk so my client can get and properly use the resources they need. 

I facilitate the implementation on an ongoing basis to keep the focus of the team.  Proactive performance targets are developed and monitored so we can predict outcomes in time to make any appropriate adjustments.  Process is the floor of each stage of company growth. 

Part of my role is to help those that are going through transitions find their purpose in life and their fit in the company’s growth.

If you and your organization or someone you know is in transition please sign up for my email list and let me help in your or their transition and next stage of growth.

This website is to provide facilitation, coaching and mentoring for individuals and organizations in transition and growth.

Every successful individual and organization has chosen to work through these steps.

Every successful transition adds a stage of growth and another ring to your tree of life.

With each stage of growth comes the need to add process to be able to manage more successfully.

View Charles (Chuck) Hudson's LinkedIn profile View Charles (Chuck) Hudson’s profile