
Hello and welcome to the 52 weeks of ideas for your personal and business transition and stage of growth.

Over the next year I will be sending you a weekly idea.

These ideas are in sequence with the issues I work with my transitional and stages of growth clients during their transition.

These are issues that you should consider and work on with your team.

To some extent they follow a seasonal pattern. We start the year having completed the strategic plan and go through the year implementing the plan.

So obviously we’re going to start out with strategic planning ideas and issues, go into implementation and then work through other issues that deal with all of the functional areas of the company.

It really helps me in directing these weekly emails to understanding a little bit about you and your company.

Please after you signed up send me what you would like me to know so I can respond to your questions.

What is the one question you have about strategic transitions?


Transitions and Stages of Growth

Sign up for a series on Transitions - Stages of Growth to learn how to start and grow your business.

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