What is your plan?  Do you have a plan?

You have a purpose.  That is something you should be searching to understand and serve.  

As you understand your purpose, you should also have a clear and measurable vision and  missions to implement the plan.  The plan should be broken into time frames such as one year,  five-year and 10 year plans.

A lot of people I talk to don’t have a plan, and still late in life are  living out someone else’s purpose and plan for their life.  But you have a purpose in life that you need to find,.

When you understand that purpose, you will understand your vision.   You will then need to  have plans that have specific goals that can be measured and adjusted. 

Over some period of time each year I would encourage you to update your overall purpose driven strategic  plan.  

I’d like to encourage you to use August and September as a period to think, pray and update your understanding of your purpose.  If you have people working for you, they should be encouraged to do the same.

It is important to understand that your purpose can change.  Every stage of life may have a different purpose.  

This becomes very difficult when you have a career purpose and then you change careers.

I believe true fulfillment only comes when you are on purpose.

The format you use for your plan is not important. But it is important  that you use a document is such a way that you can see the progress you are making in each area.  

I encourage you to stop and consider where you are, where you are going and how you are going to get there.  

Plan on…

Transitions and Stages of Growth

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