52-16.Every group is made up of people that have a mix of tactical and strategic attributes
  • Some people are very tactical.
  • Some people are very strategic.
Close your eyes and look out into the future. How far do you see?
Tactical will see days and strategic will see years. Both types are very important for companies of all sizes.
Recently I had a discussion with a manager who told me that I made him mad because I was always talking about getting more business for future quarters work and he could only think about getting the work done that had to get done. He is very tactical and I am very strategic. We are both looking at the same situation in different time frames. In this case I failed to see things in his timeline and work with him accordingly.
This is an issue that always comes into play with a team that is not properly balanced and goes between getting work and then doing the work. This quite often causes gaps of low work and too much work because the team isn’t balanced and working the full funnel. Many organizations have teams that are responsible for the full funnel of activities. This has some advantages, but the disadvantages show up when the team is unbalanced with either too many tactical or too many strategic people.
It is like a football team that doesn’t have a clear responsibility for each player for each play. When the ball is hiked the team members are running all over the field and the quarterback gets creamed because no one is blocking.
There are two basic jobs here
  • Get the work done that is on the books.
  • Get more work on the books.
They both must be done consistently or the work load is up and down like a yoyo.

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