
You have been getting my weekly emails (blogs) for several months now. I need your help in making them more meaningful. Have they been helpful to you? They are meant to give you a quick idea for the week. What would you suggest to make them more helpful? What...

How detailed does our plan need to be?

52-16 How detailed does our plan need to be? Over the years I have helped develop strategic plans at all levels of detail. Over time I have moved towards reducing the plan to the smallest possible document to get the job done. I have a developed overview of a...

Hit the ground running

52-15 This is the beginning of the 1st quarter of a  “season of growth series”. This is a series that is intended to take us through each year focused on some of the key issues we have to manage as owners and senior managers. If you missed the opening...

What is important now?

One of the list that I keep for myself and my clients is a “What is important now list?”. This list is to keep us focused on the issues that must be accomplished. This is just a summary version of the A B C list of priorities. But it keeps us focused on...

General Environmental Assumptions

The next few days would be a good time to revisit your 2017 environmental assumptions. What do the election results mean? How do they impact your plans? There is a lot of information in the results to give you data for trends the next year. There is also a lot of...