52-15 This is the beginning of the 1st quarter of a  “season of growth series”. This is a series that is intended to take us through each year focused on some of the key issues we have to manage as owners and senior managers.

If you missed the opening planning series please sign up for the first series on the organizations webpage Organizations or drop me an email.

Hopefully you have the strategic plan, the weekly and monthly key performance indicators and other parts of your strategic map in place. It is very important that you and your team are all on the same page as to what you want to accomplish this year and how you are going to accomplish it.

If your company is a stage 4 or larger company it is like piloting a ship. It takes time to make corrections and it is important to have all of the course clearly set.

If you are a stage 1,2,or 3 company it is like flying a plane. You can make correction quickly and your course may change more often.

Either way we are getting started in another exciting year.

I am looking for a commitment from you to spend a little more time in strategic thinking, a lot of time in tactical implementation and a system to make sure you are focused on the important issues.

  • Also remember synergism is when 1 + 1 = more that 2
  • The opposite of synergism is drama 1 + 1 = less than 2
  • Please forward this to others that it might help.


Transitions and Stages of Growth

Sign up for a series on Transitions - Stages of Growth to learn how to start and grow your business.

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