52-16 How detailed does our plan need to be?

Over the years I have helped develop strategic plans at all levels of detail. Over time I have moved towards reducing the plan to the smallest possible document to get the job done. I have a developed overview of a strategic plan that generally runs 4 to 15 pages.
Let’s discuss some of the elements of this process:
The process is a pyramid that is built from the bottom up and should include feed back from all employees in some form.
This process is one that gives an opportunity for everyone in the organization to participate and contribute to planning. The end result must include accountability and the best utilization of all resources.
  • Who we are
  • History of the firm and owners
  • Vision (we discussed this in earlier emails and it must be detailed to drive the rest of the process.)
  • Mission (s)
  • Goals
  • Strategic plan
  • Tactical plan
  • Budgets and Key Performance indicators.
Google “the integrated planning process” and you will find that it includes the following steps:
  • Review and analysis of last years results
  • The business model or plan
  • The strategic plan
  • The marketing plan
  • The 5 yr plan
  • Technology Plan
  • Capital plan
  • People plan
  • Sales plan
  • Intermediate
  • 1 year plan
  • Monthly plan
  • The Cash plan

You should decide for your organization how detailed your plan needs to be and remember next year you need to go through this process again in some form. If you have been using it all year long you will have the ability to update correct and move on.

You must spend a little time each week on strategic planning and implementation.

My weekly implementation program can help with this process. I am offering online and phone consulting to a small group of clients.

This would allow us to spend less time and be more focused on the issues you are working through as you grow. In the past I have worked with clients out of the area in this way and they were able to grow through the process.

Subjects that I would be working with you on are deeper versions of the weekly emails as well as specific issues that you are addressing, supported by planning and personalized mentoring and coaching.

.There would be a specific time each week we would talk and i would be available to answer emails or text.

If this is a program that you would be interested in, please email me.


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