52-9 Personal marketing.

Today I would like to talk to you about your personal marketing. As a manager or as an owner you must market yourself as well as your company.

You are responsible for wanting the customers to want to do business with you and your company.

You are also responsible for developing alliances, referrals and prospects for the company and yourself.

It is a large world and you cannot assume people will get to know who you are and what values you hold. It is your job to establish this information for your customers and other members of your funnel.

Let me stress: Your job is to establish a relationship for both yourself and your company.

You must be clear on the 3 following items:

  • What is your purpose and how do you add value to others.
  • What is your companies purpose (Vision) and how does it add value to others.
  • What are you guiding principles? Are they written down so you can be yourself (make appropriate decisions) in any difficult situation.

You then need:

  • Contact management system
  • Clear understanding of the company values
  • Prioritization method to make sure you stay on track.
  • Personal marketing is a strategic process.

It takes a dedicated long term approach to develop the alliances and referrals necessary to be successful. You must always be adding value to your network.

It is about them, not about you.

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