There is an old saying, “pressure makes diamonds” — I would like to expand on that saying. Pressures makes diamonds or coal dust – the choice is up to you. The interesting thing in our current economic cycle is that there are many people that have seen only the growth side, the positive side and have not been through the stress of down cycles. Until the down cycle comes, and surely it will, they will not know whether they will become diamonds or coal dust.

There is a story in the bible about the prodigal son who decides he knows everything.   He takes his inheritance, goes off and squanders it.   He reaches the lowest of lows. Having reached the low, he returns home and ask forgiveness from this father. His brother has stayed at home, stayed on the farm, done what he was suppose to do and did not understand the father’s excitement in the lost son returning home. Of the two sons, I highly suggest the prodigal son will have greater wisdom and greater strength having gone through the crisis growth cycle he went through.

Unfortunately, many of us do not give credit for the unfortunate crises that life thrust upon people, and yet they can be the strongest in society.

From a standpoint of facilitation it is very difficult to aid in transitions without having gained insight from having been through those transitions and some of that experience yourself. The greatest gains come from the greatest crises.

Transitions and Stages of Growth

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