One of the items on your to do list is to develop the list of the values and principles that you live by.

Understanding who you are is extremely important. I recommend that you have this list always in writing and update it as you add to those things that guide your conduct in life.

This lesson was reinforced by a book that I read on how important it is to work with your children as they get older and start to make their choices. If your child has a clear understanding of who they are, and then you reinforce this by looking at situations they may face as they grow they will make better decisions when they are in situations that have temptations.

This also fits us. Who we are and how clearly we understand who we are can keep us from going down roads we should not travel.

Some of my guiding principles come from experiences that I have faced. Either I or someone I know faced a choice and made mistakes that could have been avoided if the principles had been clearly written and internalized.

The list should come from your basic worldview and cover all areas of your life.

A couple of examples are:

Do unto others as they would have done unto them within my Christian values.

After talking to some pastors that had studied the bible in the original languages I understand that we want to treat others as they want to be treated not the way we want to be treated. I was working with a couple growing their business. They were not agreeing on the risk level and some other issues in their business. She would write him a letter explaining her frustration and concerns. He would take the letter and go and verbal confront her. I told him that under the above principle he needed to answer her letter in writing. When he did that they were able to communicate in her way and they worked through the issues.

Never go into business with a client because the minute you do it is you, not the client that you are serving.

This is a very difficult situation for accountants and others that are close and trusted by the clients they work with. Many do go into business with clients, but in many cases it does not end well. My position is it is not a position to take if your reason for being is serving others.

Take some time to write down the principles and values you use to make decisions in life. Then keep the list updated.

Transitions and Stages of Growth

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