52-12. Vision part three
Vision is a picture at the end of the story that you’re writing. This is the story of your life.
Review what you’ve done with the last couple of emails. Is your vision clear? Have you been able to quantify the vision and make it a 3-D vision with clear quantified parameters.
Stay focused on the vision until it becomes crystal clear and you can explain it to all of your team especially yourself.
It is important to try to see vision within the time frame that you truly see.
It Is also important that it be far enough out that you can establish strategies and implement them in a timely manner.
Remember that strategies are placing resources for a strategic advantage in the future and tactics are using those strategic resources for an advantage today.

With that in mind you have to understand that there are certain resources that will take time to be placed in the organization and prepared to be tactically used. Both people and processes fall into this category.

The other important point is to make sure you understand your team. Those that are strategic will be able to see with you into the future. Those that are tactical will have a problem seeing as far out into the future.

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