Who am I? Who am I meant to be? Where am I? Where am I going? How do I get there in the most effective way?

These are very important questions if we are to maximize our reason for being.

This will be a focus in upcoming emails. For today I would suggest you sit and ponder where you are on the answers to these questions. 

“ When I was younger I thought I had all the answers, but with each new transition I have found that I didn’t have all the questions and it has become clear that the first step is to find all the questions”. It is also clear I will never have all the answers.

Let your first step be to try to expand the list of question and document the answers that you have. Step one in this process.

It would help me to tailor the future emails if you can share with me what your questions are and where you are in the process.

Transitions and Stages of Growth

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