A Season of Growth

Welcome Hello and welcome to the 52 weeks of ideas for your personal and business transition and stage of growth. Over the next year I will be sending you a weekly idea. These ideas are in sequence with the issues I work with my transitional and stages of growth...

Values and Principles

One of the items on your to do list is to develop the list of the values and principles that you live by. Understanding who you are is extremely important. I recommend that you have this list always in writing and update it as you add to those things that guide your...

Transitions sometimes begin with Pain

All of my blogs are focused on individuals and organizations in transition and going through another stage of growth.. This covers almost everyone and almost any topic.. My blogs generally are responding to questions or situations I have dealt with in my mentoring and...

Pressure makes Diamonds

There is an old saying, “pressure makes diamonds” — I would like to expand on that saying. Pressures makes diamonds or coal dust – the choice is up to you. The interesting thing in our current economic cycle is that there are many people that have seen...

1 of 52 ideas The beginning of a transtion

The first step in any transition is to have a moment of recognition.  It will be a clear understanding that something has changed that you have no control over. It is done. You cannot go back. This begins your transition and you now must choose to add another stage of...